GuY: Vivek


Name: Vivek Harihar

Eyes Colour: Black

Hair Colour: Black

Height: 5 foot 6

Weight: 110

Relationship Status: Single

Date of Birth: June 21/1986

Birth Place: India

Favorite Girl/Guy (Fantasy Girl/Guy): No One

Future Career/Profession: Computer Programmer

Favorite Hobby (s): Surf the net, play sports

Pet Peeve: Bug me, and I'll Hate'cha

Person you hate the most: Nadda

Thing you treasure the most: My life

Favorite Restaurant: Pizza Hut         

Favorite Fast-food Restaurant: Pizza Nova

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite TV Show: WWF RAW IS WAR!!!!

Favorite Game: None in Particular

Favorite expression/line or slogan that best describes you: “KNOW UR ROLE AND SHUT UR MOUTH JABRONI”  “IT’S TRUE IT’S TRUE”

Are you a Jurassic Slapass: NO

Ending Comments: I am great.  Just kidding.